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Re: Debian Install Problem

JakeCatfox@aol.com wrote:

I'm installing from a Debian CD-ROM I got from ISO Image 1 [ver. 2.2r3]. I partition my hard disk, install the OS and Modules, then the drivers, and usually that goes fine [drivers sometimes fails], and then I choose to install the base system, and 4 years later [not really] it tells me that there was a problem installing the base system, and I see snipets of errors on the sides of the screen: "ut error", etc. If this doesn't happen, it just goes right back to the installation screen, with "Install the Base System" as my default option. If I try to go to Configure the Base System I get an error saying that I need to install it first. Every time I install the Base System it asks me if I want to overwrite the base system already written on the disk, so I know it was successful. I checked the surface of the disc numerous times, and it's just fine-- no scratches, fingerprints, etc. I even cleaned it, but it still does this.

-- Deven "WTF is wrong with this installer" Gallo

Sounds like a hardware problem:

In order, I'd suspect:
	CD-ROM disk
	CD-ROM drive/controller
	Hard drive

Of course it could be some sort of incompatibility with your hardware, like if you've got some sort of barely-standard motherboard or something. Perhaps others will have other ideas.

If you've got the drive space, you might try copying the CD's base files (I'm not sure what they'd be on a CD; they'd roughly correspond to root.bin, rescue.bin, base-image.tar.gz (or whatever that file is, which is the grouped-together version of individual floppy images, such as base1-1440.bin, base2-1440.bin, etc - again, I may not have the exact names) to a FAT16/32 (MS-DOS) partition on your hard drive, then during the install, select to install from the hard drive instead of from the CD-ROM drive. This two-step process should eliminate CD-ROM and hard drive issues.

In a message dated 7/27/01 11:24:11 AM Eastern Standard Time, westk@nicanor.acu.edu writes:

<< My guess is that you're installing via floppies; this is a common error with floppies. Reimage the affected floppy on a different floppy (I once had to go through four floppies before getting a good image). Floppies used during the base install have to be FLAWLESS. Even floppies that seem to be perfectly good for other uses may fail. If you're not installing from floppies, let us know more details. Kent >>

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