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Re: Debian Install Problem

On Fri, Jul 27, 2001 at 04:28:17PM -0400, JakeCatfox@aol.com wrote:
> I'm installing from a Debian CD-ROM I got from ISO Image 1 [ver. 2.2r3]. I 
> partition my hard disk, install the OS and Modules, then the drivers, and 
> usually that goes fine [drivers sometimes fails], and then I choose to 
> install the base system, and 4 years later [not really] it tells me that 
> there was a problem installing the base system, and I see snipets of errors 
> on the sides of the screen: "ut error", etc. If this doesn't happen, it just 
> goes right back to the installation screen, with "Install the Base System" as 
> my default option. If I try to go to Configure the Base System I get an error 
> saying that I need to install it first. Every time I install the Base System 
> it asks me if I want to overwrite the base system already written on the 
> disk, so I know it was successful. I checked the surface of the disc numerous 
> times, and it's just fine-- no scratches, fingerprints, etc. I even cleaned 
> it, but it still does this.

Sometimes the disk is bad, but you can't see it on the surface.

What are the actual error messages?  Press leftalt-f4 to see the installer
error messages (it may also be f3, I forget so try all of them and see what
you get).  Leftalt-f1 will get you back to the installer menu.



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