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Re: Can't start X after upgrade

On Sun, Nov 26, 2000 at 11:08:43AM -0500, Robert D. Hilliard wrote:
>      After upgrading X to 4.0.1-7 yesterday, I get the following when
> I try to start X:
> bob:vc-11:bob>startx
> var: allowed_users, value: rootonly.
> var: nice_value, value: .
> /etc/X11/X is not executable
> giving up.
> xinit:  Connection refused (errno 111):  unable to connect to X server
> xinit:  No such process (errno 3):  Server error.
> bob:vc-11:bob>
>      /etc/X11/X was a symlink to XF86_SVGA. Following the advice that
> was recently posted on the -devel list, I changed that link to:
> ln -s /usr/bin/X11/XFree86 /etc/X11/X
>      After making that symlink, I get the same error message as
> before.
>      Please Cc: me on any replies.

Looks like the same thing that happened to me.

I had to create a config-file and manually adjust it to my needs:

- run "X -configure" to create a new version 4 type config-file.
- move the new file from /root/XF86Config to /etc/X11/XF86Config-4

- in my case I got two Monitor-sections and two Device-sections,
  (and possibly two Screen-sections, don't remember)
  possibly because I have an integrated graphichs card on the mother-
  board which I don't use. I deleted the superflous sections.

This made X run, both with xdm and with startx from a normal user,
but with terrible colors (8bit) and too high resolution.

I further changed this:

- added a line:
     Modes      "1280x1024" "1152x864" "1024x768" "800x600"
  in section Screen, subsection Display, just after the line
  saying Depth 24.

This made me run different resolutions with startx -- -bpp 24

- I added the line
     Defaultdepth 24
  somewhere in section Screen. This made startx start with 24 bits
  without extra parameters.

- The last thing to do was to add the right keyboard layout in
  the Inputdevice section for keyboard:

          Option "XkbLayout"        "no"  
  ( I have a norwegian keyboard)

Johan Ur Riise
90 15 77 78

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