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Reminder: Bugs to look at

Hi myself, hi everybody

while looking at the offline copy of tetex-base's bug list, I found the
following bugs worth a further look.  As a reminder, I wrote this

btw, can anybody remind me what I need to do to remove all thos archived
bugs showing up as *Resolved*, instead of simply disappearing?

#286686: tetex-base: Division by zero when rotating eps file with \includegraphics 

	(wasn't this PEBCAK, or rather a wish for more explicit documentation in

#303348: tetex-extra: please re-add algorithms

         Isn't algorithm's upstream working on a separate Debian
         package?  Or not because it's in texlive?

#307519: footbib version from CTAN does not work with teTeX 3.0

         should this be in

#311424: \usepackage{epstopdf} does not create pdf files

         did we ever investigate this, is it an upstream issue?  Don't
         remember (maybe during my sabbatical?).

#336714: tetex-base: asked about upgrade of previously non-existent conffile /etc/texdoctk/texdocrc

         tagged unreproducible; do we want to close?  Are we sure that
         it was nonexistent => reassign to dpkg?
#294197: upgrading tetex creates ls-R in user homedir if sudo is used
#306830: Broken links because of gzipped files

         either fix or remove patch tag

#320330: INTL:vi Vietnamese translation for tetex-base

         I remember this has been dealt with, but don't want to close
         without at least a look.

#143761: "Move configuration files for plain TeX to /etc/texmf and make them conffiles"

         This is probably solved by TEXMFSYSCONFIG and the TeX Policy
         not to have TeX-input-conffiles

#300130: tetex-extra: Bad Erlang language definition in lstlang3.sty
#335500: missing keywords in listing for octave

         Forwarded to upstream, who seems to be MIA: somebody showed up
         in de.comp.text.tex this week and will probably upload a patch
         to CTAN.

#95980: hline does not work in amsmath's matrix environment
#335537: tetex-extra: float.sty: \listof broken under amsart.cls
#291369: Alignment problem with the array package
#146804: tetex-base: lack of babel files for serbian (new files included) 
#170645: tetex-base: Few bugs in sample2e.tex

        forwarded to latex-bugs@...:  Change address to bug URL.

#259390: graphics package can't handle filenames of the form: name.xxx.yyy.$extension

        same, plus:  Really wontfix - cannot this be made configurable?
        I need to include files named like 1.5min.eps, 2.5min.eps every day.

#223549: tetex-extra: seminar doesnot work with option a4paper

         With patch - hasn't this been fixed upatream?  If yes, it
         should be in 3.0.

#277327: tetex-bin: In latex, \maketitle causes page number to be inserted even in empty pagestyle
#299889: tetex-doc: typos in babel macro package's user.dvi.gz

         Forwarded to TE, but look like LaTeX bugs

#289848: seminar should give correct papersize specials to pdftex

         Forwarded to TE, but it should be Denis Girou

#220870: tetex-extra: patch available for xy-pic
#220871: tetex-extra: patch available for xy-pic

         Duplicate - probably one has no information and can be closed
         after unmerging

Frank Küster
Inst. f. Biochemie der Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer

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