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Re: new cm-super and cm-super-x11

Hi Hilmar!

(Taking out all the others from this thread and only go to debian-tetex)

On Fre, 30 Sep 2005, Hilmar Preusse wrote:
> http://www.amasol.de/~preusse/pfb2t1c2pfb/
> That pfb2t1c2pfb-0.1.orig.tar.gz contains just the two c files.

Taken a look.

> Things I don't like:
> 1. Both programs didn't ever got a copyright statement

True. I would ask the author, or assume they are GPL since they are in
the .orig.tar.gz from cm-super in GPL. And Mickael once mentioned that
he got the ok to distribute the files under GPL. (But maybe it was from
the .pl file he was talking)

> 2. You said you have anywhere a man page for one of the programs?
>    Expanding it describe the other too and setting a symlink should
>    not be that hard.

I attach the quick hack manpage I wrote.

> 3. I didn't lintian the final package.

W: pfb2t1c2pfb source: out-of-date-standards-version 3.6.1

should be (or was it 2.1)

W: pfb2t1c2pfb: binary-without-manpage pfb2t1c
W: pfb2t1c2pfb: binary-without-manpage t1c2pfb

W: pfb2t1c2pfb: copyright-lists-upstream-authors-with-dh_make-boilerplate

N:   There is "Upstream Author(s)" in your copyright file. This was most
N:   likely a remnant from the dh_make template.
N:   There's either one upstream author, in which case you should remove
N:   the "(s)", or there are several upstream authors, in which case you
N:   should remove the "(" and ")".
N:   o/~ join us now and carefully edit debian/copyright files! o/~

W: pfb2t1c2pfb: unknown-section unknown

N:   The `Section:' field in this package's control file is not one of the
N:   sections in use on the ftp archive. Valid sections are currently
N:   admin, base, comm, devel, doc, editors, electronics, embedded, games,
N:   gnome, graphics, hamradio, interpreters, kde, libdevel, libs, mail,
N:   math, misc, net, news, oldlibs, otherosfs, perl, python, science,
N:   shells, sound, tex, text, utils, web, and x11.

I would suggest either tex or utils.

> 4. He signed using my old PGP key.

 -us -uc make unsigned packages.

On Sam, 01 Okt 2005, Hilmar Preusse wrote:
> 5. The binary Debian package was built on Ubuntu hoary. Needs rebuild
> on Debian unstable.

I build the package in a sid pbuilder and made it available apt like at

deb http://www.tug.org/texlive/Debian/ t1c2pfb/
deb-src http://www.tug.org/texlive/Debian/ t1c2pfb/

I think we can fix all this and then one of the DD on the list could
upload this, if this is ok for you.

Best wishes


Dr. Norbert Preining <preining AT logic DOT at>             Università di Siena
sip:preining@at43.tuwien.ac.at                             +43 (0) 59966-690018
gpg DSA: 0x09C5B094      fp: 14DF 2E6C 0307 BE6D AD76  A9C0 D2BF 4AA3 09C5 B094
The massive three-course midmorning blow-out enjoyed by a dieter who
has already done his or her slimming duty by having a teaspoonful of
cottage cheese for breakfast.
			--- Douglas Adams, The Meaning of Liff

Attachment: t1c2pfb.man
Description: Unix manual page

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