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Re: Speed up installation of many packages for tetex

uwe@steinmann.cx (Uwe Steinmann) schrieb:

> Question: Is there any way to run the update-updmap, mktexlsr,
> updmap sequence at the end of the installation/deinstallation?
> I know that zope has something of this kind when installing
> products. There is a choice between restarting the server with
> every product or after all products.

I had a look at it, yes, this seems a good idea. The way it works is the

- there is a debconf question that's shared between all applications
  that need zope (in our case it would be: a) that need to call updmap
  and b) that need to call fmtutil). If the user answers to do it at the
  end only, then every package that need to do it touches the file
  /var/run/zope.restart (in our case it would be something like

- There's a file that is in stalled as /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/90zope (could
  be 90tetex for us) that adds a hook to be run after dpkg. It checks
  whether the file in /var/run exists and decides if zope has to be
  restarted. The file looks like this, besides the comments:

DPkg {
        Post-Invoke {"test -f /var/run/zope.restart && invoke-rc.d zope restart ; rm -f /var/run/zope.restar

I guess this is a good idea for tetex also. It fits well in our plans to
write a tetex-policy. As with this, I doubt whether we will implement it
for sarge. Or maybe not, in fact it's not so hard at all.

Regards, Frank
Frank Küster, Biozentrum der Univ. Basel
Abt. Biophysikalische Chemie

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