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Documentation Review

As you may have noticed, I volunteered to go through the
documentation we include with teTeX to check to be sure that the
files comply with the DFSG.  (In response to Bug#131191.)

I'm about half done now, and I thought I'd share a bit of what I
know so far.

First off, we could, technically, close Bug#131191.  There are
only 12 ``doc'' files [found via ``dpkg -L
tetex-{base,bin,doc,extra} | \ egrep ".*\.(pdf|ps|dvi)(\..*)?"'']
included in tetex-base, and they are all DFSG-free, as far as I
can tell.

In particular,

   Filename: /texmf/dvips/misc/pspicture.ps
   Status:   free
   What:     code{dvips} configuration file.
   License:  LPPL

   Filename: /texmf/doc/context/base/minstall.pdf
   Status:   free
   What:     Installation manual for ConTeXt system.
   License:  GPL
   Notes:    Note that most ConTeXt documentation is distributed
             under the non-free ConTeXT license.  As a result, it
             is not available from Debian.

   Filename: /texmf/doc/context/base/mreadme.pdf
   Status:   free
   What:     README PDF for ConTeXt system.
   License:  GPL
   Notes:    Note that most ConTeXt documentation is distributed
             under the non-free ConTeXT license.  As a result, it
             is not available from Debian.

   Filename: /texmf/doc/latex/carlisle/pspicture.dvi
   Status:   free
   What:     Documentation for code{pspicture.sty}.
   License:  LPPL

   Filename: /texmf/doc/tetex/TETEXDOC.dvi
   Status:   free
   What:     Document describing the teTeX system by Thomas Esser
             (upstream author).
   License:  GPL

   Filename: /texmf/doc/tetex/TETEXDOC.pdf
   Status:   free
   What:     Document describing the teTeX system by Thomas Esser
             (upstream author).
   License:  GPL

   Filename: /texmf/doc/fontinst/base/fontinst.dvi
   Status:   free
   What:     Documentation for code{fontinst}.
   License:  OWN
   Notes:    Redistribution of unchanged files is allowed provided
             that all files listed in the MANIFEST file are distributed.

   Filename: /texmf/doc/tetex/TETEXDOC.ps
   Status:   free
   What:     Document describing the teTeX system by Thomas Esser
             (upstream author).
   License:  GPL

   Filename: /texmf/doc/tetex/eurotex98-te.pdf
   Status:   free
   What:     Article from Cahiers GUTenberg describing the teTeX
             system by Thomas Esser (upstream author).
   License:  GPL

The following ``docs'' are really configuration files:

   Filename: /dvips/misc/resolution400.ps
   Status:   notdoc
   What:     code{dvips} configuration file.
   License:  GPL

   Filename: /texmf/dvips/config/config.pdf
   Status:   notdoc
   What:     code{dvips} configuration file.
   License:  GPL

   Filename: /texmf/dvips/config/config.ps
   Status:   notdoc
   What:     code{dvips} configuration file.
   License:  GPL

   Filename: /texmf/dvips/gsftopk/render.ps
   Status:   notdoc
   What:     code{dvips} configuration file.
   License:  GPL

Note that I'm assuming that the GPL applies to some of the
documentation files written by Thomas Esser -- we may want to
clear that up with him.

The fontinst.dvi file doesn't seem to be covered by the license
for the rest of the fontinst distribution, but CTAN claims the
whole distribution is covered by the LPPL, and the distribution
conditions in the TeX file seem close to me.

Of the 280 total items (not counting duplicates; see below), I
have examined 136.  Of those, 120 are DFSG-free; none are
non-free; four are not documents (above); and 12 are ``unknown'',
meaning that they have no copyright statement, or a copyright
statement that isn't very clear or contains restrictions that
might make them DFSG-non-free.

Those documents include

   Filename: /texmf/doc/latex/booktabs/booktabs.dvi
   What:     Docs for booktabs.sty

   Filename: /texmf/doc/latex/general/essential.dvi
   What:     General introductory document for LaTeX
   Notes:    Copyright by various authors.  Original copyright
             granted permission to reproduce in any way for free,
             with the statement "Direct commercial exploitation is
             not permitted."

   Filename: /texmf/doc/generic/pstricks/obsolete/pst-usr2.ps
   What:     Reference docs for pstricks
   Notes:    See van Zandt license text

   Filename: /texmf/doc/fonts/oldgerman/corkpaper.dvi
   What:     Paper describing typesetting Old German 
   Notes:    Pre-print of paper by Yannis Haralambous from 1994 TUG meeting

   Filename: /texmf/doc/latex/styles/fltpage.dvi
   What:     Docs for fltpage.sty
   Notes:    dtx file says "The usual GNU-style conditions apply: If
	     you change it, you take the blame; if you pass it on,
	     pass on all present conditions;" 

   Filename: /texmf/doc/latex/styles/algorithms.dvi
   What:     Describes algorithm.sty and algorithmic.sty
   Notes:    By Peter Williams of Australia, who is apparently
	     completely unreachable (see other open wishlist bugs
	     dealing with his algorithm packages) 

   Filename: /texmf/doc/generic/pstricks/README.pst-osci
   What:     README file for pstricks-oscilloscope package
   Notes:    We are distributing this README, but not the style files
	     or TeX documentation for the package?! 

   Filename: /texmf/doc/latex/styles/euler.dvi
   What:     Docs for euler.sty
   Notes:    Copyright (C) 1992 Frank Jensen.  All rights reserved.
	     Copyright (C) 1993--1995 Frank Jensen and Frank
	     Mittelbach.  All rights reserved.

   Filename: /texmf/doc/fonts/marvosym/marvodoc.pdf
   What:     Documentation for marvosym.sty
   Notes:    CTAN claims GPL, but I cannot find any copyright or
	     license notice.  The font itself is "freeware" that is
	     freely distributable but not modifable. 

   Filename: /texmf/doc/generic/pstricks/obsolete/pst-usr3.ps
   What:     Reference docs for pstricks
   Notes:    See Van Zandt license text

   Filename: /texmf/doc/generic/pstricks/obsolete/pst-usr1.ps
   What:     Reference docs for pstricks
   Notes:    See Van Zandt license text

   Filename: /texmf/doc/generic/pstricks/obsolete/pst-usr4.ps
   What:     Reference docs for pstricks
   Notes:    See Van Zandt license text

Van Zandt license text:

   %% COPYRIGHT 1993, by Timothy Van Zandt, tvz@Princeton.EDU
   %% Copying of part or all of any file in the pstricks.tex package
   %% is allowed under the following conditions only:
   %% (1) You may freely distribute unchanged copies of the files. Please
   %% include the documentation when you do so.
   %% (2) You may modify a renamed copy of any file, but only for personal
   %% use or use within an organization.
   %% (3) You may copy fragments from the files, for personal use or for use
   %% in a macro package for distribution, as long as credit is given
   %% where credit is due.
   %% You are NOT ALLOWED to take money for the distribution or use of
   %% these files or modified versions or fragments thereof, except for
   %% a nominal charge for copying etc.

Of the free documents, the license breakdown is as follows:

   ATTPD: 4
   DFSG:  2
   GPL:  19
   KOMA:  3
   LPPL: 95
   OWN:   1 (fontinst)

The KOMA-Script license claims to be ``like the LaTeX Project
Public License'', but is fairly long and contains some
restrictions beyond those imposed by the LPPL.

Two files (l2kurz.dvi, German version of A Very Short Introduction
to LaTeX; g-brief, German version of brief.cls) are covered by
what CTAN claims is a DFSG-compatible license.

We also have a number of duplicated files (a.ps, caption.dvi) and
a number of docs being distributed in several different formats
(including some in DVI, PostScript, *and* PDF).

I'll let you know more when I've finished going through the files.


 Behind the counter a boy with a shaven head stared vacantly into space, 
 a dozen spikes of microsoft protruding from the socket behind his ear.
   C.M. Connelly               cmc@debian.org                   SHC, DS

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