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Re: Debian maintainer for teTeX

I think I tend to go with Atsuhito -- I'm willing to help, but I'm
less enthusiastic about making uploads.

I wonder if a good solution would be to have a CVS archive with
several maintainers able to submit patches, and a smaller group
able to do uploads based on the contents of the CVS archive.  That
might make things a bit more flexible, and would also give
especially eager users a chance to get the source from CVS,
compile the packages on their own machines, and try them out to
see if they fix major bugs before new packages are uploaded to the
Debian archive.

One of the problems with teTeX on Debian is that it's made up of
several fairly large packages, and doing several uploads, each
fixing one or two problems, instead of one upload fixing many,
seems like a waste and an annoyance to users.  Also, with several
maintainers doing uploads, there's a good chance of some changes
getting lost -- maintainer A fixes problem A, maintainer B fixes
problem B; which package is accepted and which rejected depends on
who uploads first.


 Behind the counter a boy with a shaven head stared vacantly into space, 
 a dozen spikes of microsoft protruding from the socket behind his ear.
   C.M. Connelly               cmc@debian.org                   SHC, DS

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