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Bug#63042: fontinst is broken

Package: tetex-base
Version: 1.0-10

fontinst.sty seems to be broken in Potato as well as in Woody.  

When I follow the instructions in fontinst.dvi, and try to convert some
Adobe fonts to virtual TeX fonts, fontinst gives an ``Extra \else.''

| [bas@iasoon]/tmp/bla/test> ls
| ptmb8a.afm  ptmbi8a.afm  ptmr8a.afm  ptmri8a.afm
| [bas@iasoon]/tmp/bla/test> tex fontinst.sty
| This is TeX, Version 3.14159 (Web2C 7.3.1)
| (/usr/share/texmf/tex/fontinst/base/fontinst.sty
| (/usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/graphics/trig.sty)
| No file fontinst.rc.
| )
| *\latinfamily{ptm}{} \bye
| INFO> parse family <ptm><>
| INFO> to make LaTeX font shape <ptm,m,n,> seek ptmr8r.mtx
| INFO> run \transformfont  <ptmr8r> from <ptmr8a>
| (ptmr8a.afm
| ! Extra \else.
| \do_list ...\relax \expandafter \gobble_one \else 
|                                                   \expandafter
| \identity_one...
| \afm-C ...nd_of_line ->\init_afm {#1}\do_list [#2]
|                                                   \afm_char 
| \afm_line #1^^M->\afm_command #1 \end_of_line 
|                                               \afm_line 
| l.867 ...WX 0 ; N uni206F; ; B -114 -134 114 689 ;
| ? 

When going into \nonstopmode, however, all fonts seem to get generated ok:

| [bas@iasoon]/tmp/bla/test> ls
| 8rptm.fd      ptmb8r.mtx   ptmbi8c.vpl	ptmr7t.vpl   ptmrc8t.vpl  ptmro7t.vpl
| fontinst.dvi  ptmb8r.pl    ptmbi8r.mtx	ptmr8a.afm   ptmri7t.vpl  ptmro8c.vpl
| fontinst.log  ptmb8t.vpl   ptmbi8r.pl	ptmr8a.mtx   ptmri8a.afm  ptmro8r.mtx
| ot1ptm.fd     ptmbc7t.vpl  ptmbi8t.vpl	ptmr8a.pl    ptmri8a.mtx  ptmro8r.pl
| ptmb7t.vpl    ptmbc8t.vpl  ptmbo7t.vpl	ptmr8c.vpl   ptmri8a.pl   ptmro8t.vpl
| ptmb8a.afm    ptmbi7t.vpl  ptmbo8c.vpl	ptmr8r.mtx   ptmri8c.vpl  t1ptm.fd
| ptmb8a.mtx    ptmbi8a.afm  ptmbo8r.mtx	ptmr8r.pl    ptmri8r.mtx  texput.log
| ptmb8a.pl     ptmbi8a.mtx  ptmbo8r.pl	ptmr8t.vpl   ptmri8r.pl   ts1ptm.fd
| ptmb8c.vpl    ptmbi8a.pl   ptmbo8t.vpl	ptmrc7t.vpl  ptmri8t.vpl

I've attached the log file.

Some system info:
Up-to-date i386 woody system (but problem is in the Potato version, too)

Installed TeX packages:
ii  tetex-base     1.0-10         basic teTeX library files
ii  tetex-bin      1.0.6-6        teTeX binary files
pn  tetex-dev      <none>         (no description available)
ii  tetex-doc      1.0-10         teTeX documentation
ii  tetex-extra    1.0-10         extra teTeX library files
un  tetex-french   <none>         (no description available)
ii  tetex-lib      1.0.6-6        shared libkpathsea for teTeX
ii  tetex-nonfree  1.0-10         non-free teTeX library files
pn  tetex-src      <none>         (no description available)

Met vriendelijke groenten,
| Bas Zoetekouw                  | Si l'on sait exactement ce   |
|--------------------------------| que l'on va faire, a quoi    |
| zoetekw@phys.uu.nl             | bon le faire?                |
| bas@medeia.dhs.org             |               Pablo Picasso  |

Attachment: fontinst.log.gz
Description: Binary data

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