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Re: How can sarge survive a Windows reinstall?

On Mon, Feb 28, 2005 at 07:10:59AM +1100, David Pastern wrote:
> Hendrik,
> My suggestion is to boot off Installer disk #1,

Will the netinstall disk do?  Or does it have to be disk #1 of the full
sarge CD distribution?

> and rather than start an
> install, type:
> rescue root=/dev/hd*
> where * of course is where your kernel resides.  Shouldn't matter which
> one.  Here is a bit more information:
> http://forum.libranet.com/viewtopic.php?t=5485

So sarge behaves the same as libranet in this respect?  There are several
confusing points about this.

It says to type in
	root (hdx,x)
Now I know how drive and partition numbers work in grub, but just which partition
am I to specify on this command?  The root of my sarge system?  of my woody system?
I still use both, at least, I will until sarge becomes stable.  Or the root of the
partition that contains the /boot/grub/menu.lst file?

It says to type setup (hd0,0) to install grub in the MBR.  Doesn't that install
grub in /dev/hda1 instead?

And just what is it that gets installed to the MBR.  Just a first-stage
trampoline that finds the rest of grub elsewhere?

> I would the follow the instructions to reinstall grub, as per this
> article, making sure to have a /boot/grub/menu.lst file identical to
> previously.  Helps to print off the one you currently have ;-)  And make
> a backup copy ;-) 

When and how is this file located?  And when is it used?  When grub boots?
Or when it is installed?

> This works, and works well.  When I installed Solaris 10 recently it
> foobared grub on me and I had to do this to rescue my main system
> (Libranet 2.8.1).  
> Hope this helps,

Thank you.

> Dave

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