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Re: Upgrading shorewall from 1.2 to 2.0

>>>>> "Xavi" == Xavi  <javier.leon-gutierrez@upc.edu> writes:

    Xavi> hi all, we have a machine with a debian woody and with
    Xavi> shorewall on its version 1.2. I've read that the sintaxis
    Xavi> for the config files (rules, etc...) has changed between
    Xavi> this two versions and i want to know if i will have any
    Xavi> problem upgrading shorewall 1.2 (stable) to 2.0 (testing).
    Xavi> I've seen that some manteiners make a script for adapt the
    Xavi> config files when upgrading, it's true for shorewall?

IIRC there is a document on Shorewall's web page which lists changes
between versions. I suggest you use that to figure out what works with
1.2 and 2.0, fix those things. Then upgrade and fix the last few
things, if any, that won't work with 1.2.


Adrian Phillips

Who really wrote the works of William Shakespeare ?

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