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Re: Mouse not reconized under Xserver

Mike Dornberger wrote:


On Wed, Feb 16, 2005 at 08:52:05PM +0100, Thierry wrote:
I reconfigured xserver, changed psau to ttyS1, which is what it should

you're sure, you want ttyS1? It is a serial port. Sure you got a serial

BTW, maybe Justin meant PS/2 as another protocol. If you have changed your
XF86Config-4 file and want debconf to manage it again, read:


You can then try to configure your mouse with:
dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86


Well, I don't know what next. With mdetect I get :
I removed and re-installed xserver-xfree86, adjust the mouse setting to the above and I tried 'a lot' of video card and screen option. Xserver is starting OK, but still without a working mouse. This mouse is a HP mouse, taken under windows xp as a Logitec, and it's working there. So the problem might not be the mouse itself.
So if anyone as more suggestion, I will be glad to take them.

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