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Re: Lost sound in Sarge after recent updates


08.02 2005 r., on 12:11 Jim Seymour wrote:
> After updates in the past couple of weeks I have lost sound in Sarge. I
> am running Debian kernel 2.6.8 and using alsa for the Audigy 2 sound
> card. I have tried disabling apic and acpi. The card shows up in the
> bios messages and lspci. However dmesg displays the following error:
> [...]

I also use Sarge and noticed very similar problems.
I do update every day and 2 days ago I updated y Sarge too.
After I reboot i noticed APM is not functioning.
I use kernel 2.6.10 with APM (not ACPI) on my laptop,
and it simply disapeard.
I did not recompiled my kernel or any modules.
During that update I installed also gnome-volume-manager with 
all those HAL, D-BUS etc. 

Whenever I try to run ampd i get a message that there is 
no support for APM in my kernel.

Noticeably, there must be something not working properly and buggy
with last updates. I can not say anything more because I haven't had no
time to investigate it.

Any ideas?

Best regards


Mateusz Łoskot
mateusz at loskot dot net

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