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request for prebuilt kernels

I would like to request that all prebuilt 2.6 kernels include
CONFIG_IKCONFIG=y (and preferably also CONFIG_IKCONFIG_PROC=y) as part
of their config.  The former enables me to get the .config file used to
build the kernel, using a script in the kernel source tree, and the
latter enables me to get it from 'zcat /proc/config.gz'.

I recently had to reinstall a system, and I would like to compile a
custom kernel for this system.  The prebuilt kernel works, except for
one thing.  So far I have been unable to get the correct configuration
to get a new kernel to work.  It would be great if I could start from a
.config which already has most of the settings correct.  As I see it,
that's the whole point of the /proc/config.gz feature. 

This seems to me like it would be a common problem, therefore, I would
like to request that all future prebuilt kernels include this setting.



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