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Re: Help Wanted for dict-jargon

* Bob Hilliard <hilliard@debian.org> wrote [030830 15:33]:

>      The jargon file is no longer distributed as a text file, which is
> what I have used as source for dict-jargon.  The file has been
> converted to XML, using the Docbook XSL. It is now distributed as
> an HTML tarball and as a tarball containing the "masters and the
> production tools used to generate HTML and TeX versions".  These are
> available from http://catb.org/~esr/jargon/jargsrc.tar.gz and
> http://catb.org/~esr/jargon/jargomn-4.4.4.tar.gz. 

The 'Makefile' includes a target 'jargon.txt'. Given you have
installed the 'xmlto' package it should be quite easy to generate a
text file out of the distribution tarball. You might have to figure
out where some used tools (e.g. 'name-extract') come from.

mw@miwie.in-berlin.de                              http://www.miwie.org

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