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Re: ITP: xslj, a XSL processor (XSL is one of the stylesheet format of XML)

eichin@thok.org (Mark W. Eichin) writes:

> Sad but true.  (I actually like scheme, and have written jade
> "transformation" style sheets for personal dtd's very effectively, yet
> that isn't even real DSSSL, that's a jade extension...)

It might be "proprietary" to jade, but it is very powerful.  In fact,
the jade transformation system a major element inspiring the design of
the XSLT.

> On the other
> hand, my "slideshow" DTD can't really be formatted into slides with
> jade, AFAIK; though jade is great to transform it to html for the web
> site, the slides are raw PostScript generated by a perl script using
> XML::Parser (older versions used SGMLS.)  See
> 	http://www.mit.edu/iap/xml/index.html

Well, you are saying that for some reason you can't get the print
stylesheet to work right, correct?  What was the problem/limitation
you hit?  Was it because of simple-page-sequence?  A backend problem?

> for the examples.  So maybe the "single stylesheet" model is weak;
> even for docbook, the print and html DSSSL are separate (related, but
> distinct.)

This isn't true.  You can use the "print" stylesheets to produce
HTML/CSS, using the '-t html' backend.  It is experimental, and I've
never tried it, but I've heard pretty decent things about it.

.....Adam Di Carlo....adam@onShore.com.....<URL:http://www.onShore.com/>

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