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Re: XCatalogs & Stylesheets (was Re: NMU request: docbook-xml bug fixes)

/ Mark Johnson <mrj@debian.org> was heard to say:
|    Someone assigns a URN [1] in the "publicid" namespace [2] to their
|    stylesheet distribution. 
|      Fictitous example: "urn:publicid:MikeD:XSL+FOO+V1.20")
|    with additional strings for specific files. (e.g. bar.xsl => bar)
|    So the stylesheet file is identified with a URN like:
|      "urn:publicid:MikeD:XSL+FOO+V1.20:bar"
|    Then, if the processing tools need something like a formal PUBLIC
|    identifier (FPI) to actually find the file on your machine, the URN
|    is converted into an FPI by "unwrapping" the URN according to the
|    OASIS XMl Catalog spec [3], as defined [1], and, in turn, looked up
|    in the xcatalog

A URN isn't strictly necessary for this to work. An absolute URI reference
is enough. Given:

  <xsl:import href="http://example.com/some/style/directory/file.xsl"/>

the XSLT processor should pass the HREF through a URI Resolver which
can then look in a catalog and translate the URI reference into
something else.

| (or RDDL Directory [4].)

How does RDDL enter the picture here?

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com> | Clearness is so eminently one of the
http://nwalsh.com/            | characteristics of truth that often it
                              | even passes for truth itself.--Joubert

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