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Re: How secure is an installation with with no non-free packages?

On 09/12/2013 07:12 PM, adrelanos wrote:
> To rephrase my original question:
> How vulnerable is Debian installation without intel-microcode /
> amd-microcode package?
> Are there other contrib and/or non-free packages, similar to the
> microcode package, which make the system vulnerable, if not installed?

The reason why you can't install Debian directly from a WiFi with some
manufacturers is precisely that we do not ship non-free nor contrib
software by default in our Debian installation different to what does
other distributions like Ubuntu (no offense meant).

So no, there's no other contrib/non-free packages there. When there's
something we ask you. In fact you have to add contrib and non-free to
your repository sources.list for this very same reason.

The Debian Project - http://debian.org/
Jose Luis Rivas - http://joseluisrivas.net/#ghostbar

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