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Re: "su -" and "su" - what is the real difference?

On 7/28/06, LeVA <leva@az.isten.hu> wrote:
Here comes a lame question yes I know, but I need to hear the
experiences and opinions about this.
I've read thru a number of documents which described the differences
between the real and effective user ids and I am now just wondering
about this:

What is the difference (I mean in the "real world") between running `su`
(getting a non-login shell) and `su -` (getting a login shell). Is
there a security related problem with any of the invokings above? AFAIK
the real and effective uids are always set to 0 after both commands.

From the info pages for su:

------- [ info su ]--------
    Make the shell a login shell.  This means the following.  Unset all
    environment variables except `TERM', `HOME', and `SHELL' (which
    are set as described above), and `USER' and `LOGNAME' (which are
    set, even for the super-user, as described above), and set `PATH'
    to a compiled-in default value.  Change to USER's home directory.
    Prepend `-' to the shell's name, intended to make it read its
    login startup file(s).

What this means is that if you just run "su", you'll be left with the
environment of the user from whose account you entered root's.  In
particular, $PATH, $LD_PRELOAD, and $LD_LIBRARY_PATH won't be unset.
If the user is malicious, he can get you to run different programs
than you thought you were running.  That includes dynamically linking
in (for example) a trojaned version of libc.  It's precisely because
your euid becomes 0 that this is a problem, since the malicious user
can set up a root-privileged back door.

Michael A. Marsh

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