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Re: News server ?

"Matus \"fantomas\" Uhlar" <uhlar@fantomas.sk> writes:
> -> > Is there any other way to get your mails? I have to fetch about a 20 mailis
> -> > per day, Is the debian-security on any news server? like
> -> > debian.security.annonce ?
> -> > thx pshemol
> -> 
> -> i was informed last time that i asked that all debian lists should be in USENET
> -> under linux.debian.* and this particular list should be
> -> linux.debian.announce.security (although all servers i've checked don't have
> -> this group)
> well so,
> 1. I've heard some time ago the linux.* hierarchy is dead.

Yes, I don't think that ever really got off the ground.

> 2. debian is NOT a linux distribution - it's packaging system

It's both.

> so, if at all, comp.os.debian or comp.unix.debian would be much better.

Usenet is such a zoo nowadays that would be too painful to contemplate.

> I am planning to make gateway with debian mailing lists gatewayed for my
> personal tests, on my machine or our firm news server, but it will take some
> time. Then, probably...

I wonder if the maintainers of lists.debian.org would consider running
INND and converting the lists to newsgroups.  There are tools to
translate newsgroups to/from mailing lists for those who want that,
and you can also access them directly with a newsreader if you wish.

It's not really common, but it's not unusual for sites that have a lot
of mailing lists to run a news server in this way, and I'm sure some
of the software for it is already part of Debian.


William R Ward        hermit@bayview.com      http://www.bayview.com/~hermit/
"Those are my principles. If you don't like them I have others."-Groucho Marx

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