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Re: Grid tasks


Chris Walker wrote:
> Martin Quinson <martin.quinson@loria.fr> writes:

>> On the contrary, tags help searching for all of them to compare before
>> choosing, with is really welcomed.
> It would be great - but the last time I started that discussion[1] it
> didn't come to firm conclusions about a way to proceed. Perhaps you
> have some suggestions - both for grid packages and science in general.

we should generate a few tutorials first. Let us wait a bit longer for a series of
packages finding their ways to the distribution and then there will be tutorials coming,
one from me. When there are more packages coming then there will be more tutorials and
this sounds much like a book to write.

Concerning "choice" I don't think there is too much. The grid is about computing together
with others. It is rather common that you have those others of your team first and they
already have made up their mind or some grid infrastructure or another. You will then join
theirs and don't care much about what exactly their middleware is.

To have a few middlewares in Debian helps easing that process of joining, particularly for
those who have little IT background - they submit jobs and want results. Folks that are
buying computers to join a grid will then more often decide for Debian than they would
have without those packages.



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