Re: ROOT and Debian
Hi again,
I forgot to comment on a few things.
On Sun, 2005-08-14 at 09:08 -0400, Kevin McCarty wrote:
> Hi Christian,
> On 8/13/05, Christian Holm Christensen <> wrote:
> By the way, to answer a point you raised in this email on root-talk:
> > The exact license of Minuit (not CERNLIB - but Minuit)
> > is actually very restrictive (see
> >
> > I'm not sure how Kevin worked around that one.
> My understanding is that since CERN has sole copyright over Minuit (as
> stated on the page you cite), Minuit, as part of Cernlib, is included
> in the relicensing of Cernlib to GPL stated here:
> If you think this
> is incorrect, please say so and I can email Ian McLaren to ask for a
> clarification.
To me, it's not entirely clear just what licence cover use of Minuit.
As you know, CERNLIB has in the past re-licensed software rather
brutally. Checking with Ian McLaren is probably not a bad idea. If you
get a reply, please forward that to me and perhaps Fons too.
> > My biggest concern, regarding ROOT and legal issues, is the fact that
> > ROOT depends on certain TTF fonts, and these are either in the
> > msttcorefonts package, or there's no package for them in Debian
> > (symol.ttf, for example). With some minimal tweaking, ROOT could use
> > the TTF of freefonts or something like that. However, that's a source
> > code change, and one would need permission to redistribute that.
> Not once the license is fixed :-) Alternatively, it should be OK for
> ROOT to depend upon msttcorefonts if the root packages are placed in
> contrib or non-free (depending upon the ROOT licensing status). I'm
> pretty sure that use of fonts doesn't qualify as "linking" so it
> should be legit for a Free Software program to use Microsoft fonts.
> However I'd really prefer to see the TTF code added so ROOT could go
> into main -- it has a lot of advantages over contrib, such as
> automatic buildd compilation.
The buildd point is _very_ attractive to ROOT.
This reminds me of another issue concerning ROOT. Currently, I've only
tested the ROOT packaging scripts on Debian GNU/Linux on a i386 chip.
I've previously ported ROOT to Debian GNU/Hurd, but I haven't tried it
in a while. However, ROOT build on many a platforms, including ia64,
Sparc, Alpha, and so on. However, it is assumed that if you are
building for say a Sparc chip, you're using Solaris, and so forth. It'd
be interesting to see what chips ROOT build on, assuming the normal
`linux' configuration. If anyone out there's using some `port' other
than GNU/Linux on i386, of Debian, could you please give it a whirl to
see if it works? Thanks.
Concerning fonts. I've one implemented a patch that did some hard-coded
alternatives stuff, but it wasn't very nice. Something like that could
be revived. The best option will be if upstream is changed.
> > Kevin, if ROOT changes the license, will you sponsor the packages?
> I am still waiting in the NM queue so I can't sponsor anything (yet).
> I'm sure a current DD will be happy to upload the packages once they
> are finished and legally clear.
> That brings up the matter of whose packages get uploaded. :-) I
> really suggest that you and Ricardo work together on the packaging,
> especially since he already has a place to host the .debs. If the
> license is fixed soon, probably the 4.04 packages will go into Debian
> first. So it would be nice if you two can ensure that upgrades from
> the 4.04 packages to the ones in ROOT CVS are smooth. Don't forget
> about soname issues! As always, I'll be happy to look over the
> packaging work in my spare time, but can't contribute substantially
> until my thesis is done (another month or two).
> best regards,
___ | Christian Holm Christensen
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