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Dear Debian KDE people:

Since I had some free time, I decided to download and translate Kaboom into
Hebrew.  I have noticed some issues, although I am not sure where all of them
come from.  If these should be reported as bugs (and especially if they go
against certain packages or need certain tags/severties), please let me know
and I can do that also.

1) Kaboom only checks LC_ALL, not LANG or LC_MESSAGES.  Since I don't see
LC_ALL because I need a mixture of locales, it defaults to C.  It would be nice
if it checked those variables also.  Is a qt4 bug? 

2) Even if I set LC_ALL to he, the interface is completely oriented LTR instead
of RTL.  I have to manually insert RLE's into the translation strings in order
to get them display properly, and they're still left justified and with radio
buttons on the wrong side for a RTL language like Hebrew.  Again, is this a qt4

3) In the radio button on the choice page, the nbsp are showing up as literal
  instead of an actual non-breaking space.  This does not happen, say,
with the label a little higher on the page which shows what the current KDE3
and KDE4 directories are, in which the nbsp is rendered correctly.

4) Speaking of the label on  the choice page, there is a translation string of
"%1%2", which after hunting through the source code I figured out that %1 is
"The current KDE 3 directory is %1" and %2 is "The current KDE 4 directory is
%2".  Two points: %1%2 is a very difficult string to translate; you should
provide a translation hint in the source code that shows up in linguist so that
translators know what to do.  Also, does the order of the two strings really
matter?  Why not just have two separate strings?

5) I've noticed a few places where the English strings are a little rough.
Would you like to hear about them? 


Itai Seggev, Knox College, Mathematics Department 

In 1997 a group of programmers started writing a desktop environment to fix a
travesty they didn't create.  Their program promptly found its way onto un*x
systems everywhere. Today, still opposed by a software monopolist, they survive
as soldiers of fortune.  If you share their vision, if you know you can help,
and if you can connect to internet, maybe you can join... the K-Team.

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