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CVS commit by mornfall: 

- add TODO
- add PkgExistGrouper (filters out "ghost" (no-available-version)
- make dealing with multiple versions saner
  - add version combobox to PkgDetailsCommon
  - make it show data for selected version
- make PkgDetailsCommon use grid layout (that's what it was made for)
- reorder PkgGrouperFactory constructor args and make it propagate it's
  parameters to child if they aren't set explicitly (eliminating the need to
  pass the params to all the chain members again and again)
- make PkgList show current and installed versions
NOTE: The code is becoming human-parseable slowly... Still, i have made
up some design in my mind that's not incarnated in code yet. Stay tuned:
more to come.

  A            TODO   1.1
  M +1 -0      kapture/kapture_part.cpp   1.4
  M +26 -0     kapture/pkgdetails.cpp   1.2
  M +9 -2      kapture/pkgdetails.h   1.2
  M +58 -4     kapture/pkgdetailscommon.cpp   1.2
  M +9 -2      kapture/pkgdetailscommon.h   1.2
  M +287 -335  kapture/pkgdetailscommonui.ui   1.2
  M +37 -2     kapture/pkggrouper.cpp   1.6
  M +15 -4     kapture/pkggrouper.h   1.6
  M +21 -9     kapture/pkglist.cpp   1.5
  M +7 -1      kapture/pkglist.h   1.4
  M +1 -0      kapture/pkgsubtree.h   1.4
  M +1 -0      kapture/pkgtreeitem.h   1.5
  M +1 -1      kapture/pkgtreenode.h   1.5
  M +12 -2     kapture/pkgview.cpp   1.3
  M +2 -0      kapture/pkgview.h   1.2
  M +1 -1      kapture/pkgviewui.ui   1.3

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