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Re: help with writing a PEP to ease software distribution

Le lundi 29 septembre 2008 à 15:12 +0200, Nicolas Chauvat a écrit :
> Here is where we stand today:
> http://mail.python.org/pipermail/distutils-sig/2008-September/010126.html

This looks like a step in the right direction if we want to generate
inter-module dependencies.

Most things defined in the PEP will not be useful for packaging, except
for making something like a dh_make_python almost trivial to write. The
one thing that we’d almost certainly use is the Requires and Provides

However you should be careful with the notion of version. It is nice to
have a lot of flexibility in specifying versioned dependencies, but the
more stuff the norm allows, the more complicated it will be to translate
this into inter-package dependencies.

For example, if you require a minimal version of 1.4, you can translate
this to a package version of 1.4; it is a bit hackish but will work if
you handle epochs correctly. But if the package you depend on has a
Provides: blah (1.4), you have no way to map that to a dependency,
because you can’t know what other versions of the package will provide.

In all cases, it will be necessary to manually add shlibs-like
information to the packages; they could be partly autogenerated like
symbol files, but you need a mapping between provided modules and the
first version of the package that provides it.

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