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Re: Shared info. about debian buster release.

>>>>> "Sam" == Sam Hartman <hartmans@debian.org> writes:

>>>>> "shirish" == shirish शिरीष <shirishag75@gmail.com> writes:
    shirish> oops, the original one got archived for some grammatical
    shirish> mistakes, got republished today again with a slightly
    shirish> different link -

    shirish> https://itsfoss.com/new-features-coming-to-debian-10-buster-release/

    Sam> When I read the original there were some odd errors like an
    Sam> "optional" component in our archive.  Also, the original
    Sam> implied we were considering dropping python2.7 in a buster
    Sam> point release.

It's been pointed out to me that I was talking to the reporter.
My apologies.  First, thanks for covering Debian and for your work.  I
thought someone within Debian was sending a pointer to the article.  And
so I thought it was an internal discussion so I didn't include things
like "hey, thanks for covering us."  Those are all true, I just thought
it was more of an internal discussion where those are assumed.


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