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Re: Shared info. about debian buster release.

>>>>> "shirish" == shirish शिरीष <shirishag75@gmail.com> writes:

    shirish> oops, the original one got archived for some grammatical
    shirish> mistakes, got republished today again with a slightly
    shirish> different link -

    shirish> https://itsfoss.com/new-features-coming-to-debian-10-buster-release/

When I read the original  there were some odd errors like an "optional"
component in our archive.  Also, the original implied we were
considering dropping python2.7 in a buster point release.

Did they work with anyone in coming up with this?  How did they collect
their list of features?  Do we have a working relationship with

If we aren't on top of this how would people feel with me reaching out
to contact the reporter and asking what we can do to work with them best
going forward.

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