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Re: Bits from ARM and Embedded Sprint


Am 07.03.2011 17:16, schrieb Hector Oron:

> Sure, is it fine if I just add an entry in the wiki site?
>  <http://wiki.debian.org/DeveloperNews>

No, that are just short News for Developers, which will be send to
debian-devel-announce.  So kind of pointless to add it there, as the
long version has already been sent, there.

The more user oriented "Debian Project News" are edited via svn.  If you
like you can add an entry to via
svn+ssh://svn.alioth.debian.org/svn/publicity/dpn/en/current  (all
Debian Developers already have write access), or just send it to the
-publicity list.

> Is there a deadline for it?

Perfect would be this Friday, as the DPN will be conten-frozen then to
be reviewed and translated.  Should that not be possible for you, don't
worry:  There is always a next issue, whose deadline will be two weeks
later ;)

Best regards and thanks,

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