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ikiwiki issues and open wiki (was: Please review latest issue of the Debian Project News)

also sprach MJ Ray <mjr@phonecoop.coop> [2008.11.05.1902 +0100]:
> That should say that it needs cookie permission *before* failing to login.

Would you file a bug against ikiwiki?

> Why not allow open editing?  Items on that wiki will be short-lived
> anyway.

Because I've had my experiences with open wikis and it doesn't take
long until spammers make them unusable.
http://phd.martin-krafft.net/wiki was open from at around the time
ikiwiki came out until about a year later; it was never advertised.
According to the logs, I still get >10'000 hits/day from spammers
POSTing directly to the CGI with new page requests.

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <madduck@debian.org>
: :'  :  proud Debian developer, author, administrator, and user
`. `'`   http://people.debian.org/~madduck - http://debiansystem.info
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems
in seattle, washington, it is illegal to carry a concealed weapon that
is over six feet in length.

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