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Re: [DRAFT FOR REVIEW] Steve McIntyre elected Debian Project Leader 2008

On Sun, Apr 13, 2008 at 06:09:49PM -0700, AndreMachado spake thus:
> Hello,
> Many thanks for your suggestions.

No problem; I'm glad to help.

> Please review the newest and improved version [0].
> Regards.
> Andre Felipe Machado
> [0] http://times.debian.net/1232

Maybe break the first sentence into two. Orig:

    "The winner of the Debian Project Leader (DPL) 2008 election is
    Steve McIntyre, for one year starting from April 17th, 2008."


    "The winner of the Debian Project Leader (DPL) 2008 election is
    Steve McIntyre. His term as DPL will extend for one year starting on
    April 17th, 2008."



    "The details of the results shall be soon up at the election page..."

Sugg (switch "be soon up" to "be up soon"):

    "The details of the results shall be up soon at the election page..."



    "Organizations without a common understanding of authority and
     leadership can not survive in the long term. And those with
     direct democratic forms of participation do not tend to scale
     well and are noted for their difficulty managing complexity
     and decision-making, leading to failure."


    "Organizations without a common understanding of authority and
    leadership can not survive in the long term. And those with direct
    democratic forms of participation tend to fail because they scale
    poorly and manage complexity and decision making inadequately."



    "The governance system was already validated in 2006, when a crucial
    conflict was resolved within the approved framework."

Sugg (drops "already"):

    "The governance system was validated in 2006, when a crucial
    conflict was resolved within the approved framework."

a l a n   d.   s a l e w s k i             salewski@worldnet.att.net
                       gentle kiss good-bye.
                 tears rolling from both our eyes,
                     we'll always have cheese
Generated from Haiku-O-Matic:           www.smalltime.com/haiku.html

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