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Re: DebianTimes


I'll answer your questions; from my perspective of looking at Japanese
team translating DWN.

I've thought DebianTimes was going to be a syndication of other RSS
feeds, which already usually have translations on their own?
But anyway:

> I have next to no experience with translation, so I need the input from
> experienced people on that.
> What I thought up until now is:
> - There are files for the different languages [Q: per directory? next to
>   each other?]

They are usually handled per directory for most projects, I think.

> - Any commit is sent out by mail to the people who want it [Q: one list
>   for all? or different lists per language?]

Review of translation is usually done in dedicated groups per language.
One list per language.

> - The translations are marked which version of the original file they
>   reflect; so, it's relativly easy to see where to work on.

Yes, we usually have a tag somewhere so that we know the original
version of the original text, and can later cvs/svn/whatever diff.

> - The published-date of the different translations is the same. [Q: Is
>   this useful?]

This isn't too realistic; translations may have a translation
round-trip time of almost one week.

> - Usually commits for the original language should be done "in time"
>   relative to the publication-date so that the translators have enough
>   time to follow up. [Q: Should there be some marker with "this article
>   is not yet completly finished", so that the article is not published
>   in the translation?]

Ambivalent. Newer non-translated articles overshadowing translated
articles isn't really ideal, but having only old news isn't too ideal
either, since in that case, people will look at non-translated page

> - The translators interface would be, in free choice, be via mail, rcs
>   (e.g. svn) and web.

Usually (although it depends on language teams)
	update notice via mail, translation review via mail
	tracked manually via some web interface or wiki, or mail threads
	cvs/svn repository to actually work on

dancer@{debian.org,netfort.gr.jp}   Debian Project

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