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Re: French keyboard PowerBook G4 ( alu ) with KDE

I had got the same problem with either my old TiBook and my new AlBook (the
one with ATI 9600 graphic card).

My solution was to bypass all those new stuff not well documented (XKB)
and use plain old Xmodmap.

I create a customized version of an Xmodmap file and load it as X starts.
It worked well for me with XFree86 (from debian archive), under WindowMaker,
and Gnome (I did not try KDE).

I just swap to use Xorg (from Ubuntu archive) since I need clone mode for
video-projection. Almost every keymap seems to work but I am now unable to
go back to console with CTRL+ALT+F1... I do not had time to look from
where comes the trouble for now.

My Xmodmap, used on my AlBook, is attached to this mail. Look at comments
at the beginning of the file there is some useful things about how to install
sitewide and about my customized mapping.

Hope it helps.

Bruno Beaufils

bruno.beaufils@lifl.fr - http://www.lifl.fr/~beaufils
Universite des Sciences et Technologies de Lille
LIFL - UMR CNRS/USTL 8022 - Tel +33 3 20 43 45 04 - Fax +33 3 28 77 85 37
IUT "A" - Dpt Informatique - Tel +33 3 20 43 49 53 - Fax +33 3 20 43 41 73
CNRS CA : http://igc.services.cnrs.fr/CNRS-Standard/recherche.html
CRU CA : http://igc.cru.fr/cgi-bin/viewca
! This Xmodmap works with most of the keys on my AlBook with French keyboard
! layout.
! Installing on Debian :
! - copy this file as /etc/X11/Xmodmap
! - install a 40custom_load-xmodmap file in /etc/X11/Xsession.d looking like:
!   ----8<---------------------------------
!   #-*-sh-*-
!   SYSMODMAP=/etc/X11/Xmodmap
!   USRMODMAP=${HOME}/.Xmodmap
!   if [ -x /usr/bin/X11/xmodmap ]; then
!     if [ -f ${SYSMODMAP} ]; then
!       xmodmap ${SYSMODMAP}
!     fi
!   fi
!   if [ -x /usr/bin/X11/xmodmap ]; then
!     if [ -f ${USRMODMAP} ]; then
!       xmodmap ${USRMODMAP}
!     fi
!   fi
!   ----8<---------------------------------
! In order to facilitate key recognition keycodes are given respectively to 
! their position on the keyboard from left-to-right and top-to-bottom.
! I tailored it a little bit in order to get :
! - easy combination to obtain the tilde symbol (apple n).
! - a delete key on Apple key with Fn key (fn apple).
! - an compose key on the next to right apple key.
! - an insert key in emacs on the next to right apple key (apple then compose)
! - a backslash easily accessible (apple :)
! - a pipe easily accessible (apple l and shift apple l)
! - a euro sign easily accessible (apple $)
! - a german double s remapped (shift apple s)
! Some keys seems to be unusable :
! - equal sign when NumLock is on (same keycode as left direction key)
! A lot of interesting docs about using Xmodmap and other X11 i18n and l10n stuff
! are accessible at sven maschek X11 page :
!                    http://www.in-ulm.de/~mascheck/X11/
! Bruno Beaufils, 20050102
clear shift
clear lock
clear control
clear mod1
clear mod2
clear mod3
clear mod4
clear mod5
! Lines format is as follows (as described in the man page of xmodmap) :
! keycode       alone           Shift           Mode_Switch     Shift 
!                                                               + Mode_Switch
! 1st row
keycode    9 =  Escape
keycode   67 =  F1
keycode   68 =  F2
keycode   69 =  F3
keycode   70 =  F4
keycode   71 =  F5
keycode   72 =  F6
keycode   73 =  F7
keycode   74 =  F8
keycode   75 =  F9
keycode   76 =  F10
keycode   95 =  F11
keycode   96 =  F12
!keycode  116 =
! 2nd row
keycode   49 =  at              numbersign      periodcentered
keycode   10 =  ampersand       1               dead_acute      dead_acute
keycode   11 =  eacute          2
keycode   12 =  quotedbl        3
keycode   13 =  apostrophe      4               grave
keycode   14 =  parenleft       5               braceleft       bracketleft
keycode   15 =  section         6               paragraph
keycode   16 =  egrave          7               guillemotleft   guillemotright
keycode   17 =  exclam          8               exclamdown      Ucircumflex
keycode   18 =  ccedilla        9               Ccedilla        Aacute
keycode   19 =  agrave          0               oslash          Ooblique
keycode   20 =  parenright      degree          braceright      bracketright
keycode   21 =  minus           underscore
keycode   22 =  BackSpace       BackSpace       BackSpace       BackSpace
! 3rd row
keycode   23 =  Tab             ISO_Left_Tab
keycode   24 =  a               A               ae              AE
keycode   25 =  z               Z               Acircumflex     Aring
keycode   26 =  e               E               ecircumflex     Ecircumflex
keycode   27 =  r               R               registered      currency
keycode   28 =  t               T
keycode   29 =  y               Y
keycode   30 =  u               U               Uacute          ydiaeresis
keycode   31 =  i               I               icircumflex     idiaeresis
keycode   32 =  o               O
keycode   33 =  p               P
keycode   34 =  dead_circumflex dead_diaeresis  ocircumflex     Ocircumflex
keycode   35 =  dollar          asterisk        EuroSign        yen
keycode   36 =  Return          Return          hyphen          hyphen
! 4th row
keycode   66 =  Caps_Lock
keycode   38 =  q               Q               acircumflex     Acircumflex
keycode   39 =  s               S               Ograve          ssharp
keycode   40 =  d               D               
keycode   41 =  f               F               f               periodcentered
keycode   42 =  g               G
keycode   43 =  h               H               Igrave          Icircumflex
keycode   44 =  j               J               Idiaeresis      Iacute
keycode   45 =  k               K               Egrave          Ediaeresis
keycode   46 =  l               L               bar             bar
keycode   47 =  m               M               mu              Oacute
keycode   48 =  ugrave          percent         Ugrave          ucircumflex
keycode   51 =  dead_grave      sterling        at              numbersign
!keycode  36 = 
! 5th row
keycode   50 =  Shift_L
keycode   94 =  less            greater
keycode   52 =  w               W
keycode   53 =  x               X
keycode   54 =  c               C               copyright       copyright
keycode   55 =  v               V
keycode   56 =  b               B
keycode   57 =  n               N               asciitilde      dead_tilde
keycode   58 =  comma           question        at              questiondown
keycode   59 =  semicolon       period
keycode   60 =  colon           slash           backslash       division
keycode   61 =  equal           plus            macron          plusminus
!keycode  50 = 
! 6th row
keycode   37 =  Control_L
keycode   64 =  Alt_L
keycode  115 =  Mode_switch
keycode   65 =  space
!keycode 115 =  
keycode  108 =  Multi_key       Multi_key       Insert          Insert
keycode  100 =  Left
keycode   98 =  Up
keycode  104 =  Down
keycode  102 =  Right
! 1st row (with fn key)
!keycode    9 =
!keycode  101 = 
!keycode  212 = 
!keycode  160 = 
!keycode  174 = 
!keycode  176 = 
!keycode  ??? = Num_Lock
!keycode  ??? = 
!keycode  ??? = 
!keycode  ??? = 
!keycode  ??? = 
! 2nd row (with fn key)
keycode   77 =  Num_Lock        Pointer_EnableKeys
keycode   79 =  KP_7            KP_Home
keycode   80 =  KP_8            KP_Up
keycode   81 =  KP_9            KP_Prior
keycode  112 =  KP_Divide
keycode   97 =  Left
! 3rd row (with fn key)
keycode   83 =  KP_4            KP_Left
keycode   84 =  KP_5            KP_Begin
keycode   85 =  KP_6            KP_Right
keycode   63 =  KP_Multiply
! 4th row (with fn key)
keycode   87 =  KP_1            KP_End
keycode   88 =  KP_2            KP_Down
keycode   89 =  KP_3            KP_Next
keycode   82 =  KP_Subtract
!keycode 108 =  KP_Enter
! 5th row (with fn key)
keycode   90 =  KP_0            KP_Insert
keycode   91 =  KP_Separator    KP_Delete
keycode   86 =  KP_Add
! 6th row (with fn key)
!keycode  109 =
!keycode  113 =
keycode  116 =  Delete
keycode   97 =  Home
keycode   99 =  Prior
keycode  105 =  Next
keycode  103 =  End
! Modifiers
add shift = Shift_L
add control = Control_L
add lock = Caps_Lock
add mod1 = Mode_switch
add mod2 = Multi_key
add mod3 = Alt_L
!add mod3 = [...] (e.g. Num_Lock)
!add mod4 = [...] (e.g. Alt_L / Alt_R)
!add mod5 = [...]
! End of file

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

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