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Re: 2.6.6 kernel - which one?

On Thu, Jun 03, 2004 at 05:51:15PM -0700, Nirmal Govind wrote:
> Hi.. I compiled the 2.6.6 kernel again, used config-2.6.6-powerpc, the patches from kernel-patches-2.6.6. I used make-kpkg for the first time. The compile went fine. I then did a dpkg -i <kernel-image-that-was-created> and that went fine too. I looked at /boot and it had the new vmlinux-2.6.6. Added this to yaboot.conf, called it linux26, ran ybin and rebooted. Alas, linux26 is unable to mount the root fs. Any ideas why? Does it need initrd?

Yep, it needs the initrd.

> So I reboot again and try to boot the old kernel which was /vmlinux.old .. now this doesn't boot either. I suspect that when I did the dpkg, it wrote the last /vmlinux kernel (which did not boot) to /vmlinux.old and erased my working /vmliux.old.. so I'm stuck now.. is there a way to boot from the CD and then mount the /dev/hdaX partition? Please let me know.

yep. Just boot any debian-installer version (preferably tc1) and mount
the desired partition from console 2. You can then chroot to it, and
install the new package or modify the yaboot.conf.


Sven Luther

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