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Re: changing extensions, a little OT perhaps.

> On the Linux side, how would I go about adding extensions to these files
> without doing it manually?  In other words, is there something I could
> pass at the command line to accomplish this for a whole directory of
> files?  I've been using Linux for three years or so now, and I've always
> wanted to know how to do this...anyone care to educate me?  I'm hoping
> for something a little more substantive than "go learn sed (or whatever
> program)," though learning by example usually works the best for me. ; )

Here's a simple shell script I adapted from one of my data handling
procedures that should do what you need:


foreach fred ( `ls *` )

    mv $fred $fred.mp3


Just put this into a text file, make the file executable, and run it in
the directory where your mp3's are.  As usual, you might want to do this
after making a backup copy of your files.



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