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Re: Audio Problems on an iBook

On Thu, 2002-04-25 at 09:18, Will Aoki wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 25, 2002 at 11:59:45AM +0100, Gareth Bowker wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 	I've got an iBook which every so often seems to go a bit haywire in
> > the audio department. When I open the lid, so the machine comes out of
> > suspend, most times everything's fine. Every once in a while, I'll get
> > a load of static come out of the left speaker. Other times, it seems that
> > the microphone comes on (afaict it doesn't work at other times :/) at full
> > gain and gets into a feedback loop. In eith case the only option is a
> > reboot.
> If you have the driver configured as a module, removing and reloading
> dmasound_pmac might make the noise go away. For me, sometimes suspending
> and resuming again will also make it go away.
> > Is this a problem with the audio drivers or is it more likely to be a
> > hardware issue?
> > The machine's a new (bought just before Christmas) 12.1" iBook with one of
> > those horrible softmodems.
> It's been happening quite frequently as of late on my 1st generation
> iBook2 - it tends to occur at least once a week (most recent was
> Tuesday, in a library - gack!), although for me it's a rapid clicking
> noise instead of static or a feedback whistle. (I suppose it could be
> feedback with a 1/4 second time delay.) I've taken to carrying a stereo
> plug to insert into the headphone jack when the clicks start, since the
> driver turns off the speakers when something is connected to the jack.
> This comes up on the list once every few months. Last I heard the driver
> maintainer was unable to reproduce it on his TiBook.

It happens on my TiBook which is a first generation one. It only happens
when I close the lid and keeps feeding back until I mute and unmute the

I suspect it is something to do with the mixer settings getting junked
when the system goes into sleep.  It could be a problem with esd also,
as I am running that.


David Stanaway

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