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Re: libmodern-perl-perl vs libmodern-perl

Perhaps Damyan Ivanov is better equipped to address this, as he does
most of the work on dh-make-perl, but:

On Tue, Apr 6, 2010 at 2:28 AM, Ivan Kohler <ivan-debian@420.am> wrote:
> Sorry about that.  dh-make-perl and I totally missed libmodern-perl as a
> result of the odd package name.
I believe dh-make-perl's locate command uses apt-file, which is able
to find packages regardless of what Debian package they are put into.
However, I imagine you just created a package using dh-make-perl,
which would have created libmodern-perl-perl, and if you had checked
the repository for that string, the package would not have existed. So
I understand why it happened, and I'm not trying to accuse anyone or
assign blame.

Perhaps we can add a feature to try a locate before building packages,
to say "hey, this package is already available in libblah-blah-perl"
-- if I recall correctly, it already does something similar when you
try to build a package for something available in Perl core.

I'm just trying to work out how we should best proceed to reduce
similar confusion in the future (as mentioned in the original mail,
Ansgar Burchardt has been working on this [0]).



[0] http://lists.debian.org/debian-perl/2010/03/msg00077.html

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