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Re: Reworking on our organization - Look at the Ruby neighbours!

On Wed, 03 Jan 2007 23:46:16 -0600, Gunnar Wolf wrote:

> Hi all,

Hi Gunnar,

thanks for your effort and your mail. Some comments, unfortunately
not very enthusiastic ;-)
> 2. ruby-pkg-tools includes a list of the group members [2],
>    /usr/share/ruby-pkg-tools/pkg-ruby-extras.team - Why? Because,
>    instead of having the mess we currently have, where each of us adds
>    his email to the Uploaders: field of each package's debian/control,
>    debian/control is built with the name of each of the maintainers. 

As others have already pointed out I don't think that's a good idea.
I consider adding only the persons having actually touched a package
to be more logical both for us and for the general public.
> 3. CDBS classes [3]. I'm still uncertain about this one, but all in
>    all, it makes sense. 

Maybe it's because I hardly know CDBS but at the moment I dislike it
because it seems like black magic which makes reading and debugging
debian/rules more difficult.

> 4. A simple, automatic way to get the upstream sources [4]. You don't
>    have to manually fiddle with creating build-area, putting and
>    renaming the orig.tar.gz there. It's automatable. 

Well, why not. Until now I had no problems with "uscan -report; wget
$copypasted_url; svn-upgrade $new.tar.gz" but I don't mind a wrapper
script ;-)

>    And, hey - If
>    debian/watch has the information, if uscan can check if there are
>    new versions, why must we do it manually? Well, there must be a
>    reason not to rely on debian/watch for everything - They have a
>    YAML file in their SVN describing where are the sources for each
>    package. 

If I understand [4] correctly they usually use the watch file and
have this YAML file called pkg-ruby-extras.sources only "for packages
where watch files are not a solution" - do we have this situation?
> [4] http://pkg-ruby-extras.alioth.debian.org/ruby-pkg-tools/sources.html
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