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Re: Reworking on our organization - Look at the Ruby neighbours!

Gunnar Wolf wrote:
> 2. ruby-pkg-tools includes a list of the group members [2],
>    /usr/share/ruby-pkg-tools/pkg-ruby-extras.team - Why? Because,
>    instead of having the mess we currently have, where each of us adds
>    his email to the Uploaders: field of each package's debian/control,
>    debian/control is built with the name of each of the maintainers.

Why is this a "mess"?  I don't think it is.  In this, I concur with Russ 
and Raphael.

> 3. CDBS classes [3]. [...]

Two downsides:
  * CDBS is less efficient because it runs a lot of commands (e.g. dh_*)
    that aren't actually needed in all cases.
  * CDBS is badly documented (what Russ said).

> 4. A simple, automatic way to get the upstream sources [4]. [...]

I'm quite open to that one.

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