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Error in commit! [Re: [Pkg-octave-devel] Include MPITB in "Other interesting Octave stuff"?]


I've followed your instructions, changed index.html.in and
made a "make USER=cucharro-guest". The result was an
error message "eperl not found". I installed the eperl package 
and typed the make command again, but obtained the
error message that I've copied and pasted bellow (I suppose
the key is in the tar error messages (¿a problem with
permisions? The result is that http://pkg-octave.alioth.debian.org/
is corrupted. I'll try to restore it from previous revision.

It's strange, the only change I made was adding six lines
to trunk/www/index.html.in, as registered in

What do you think?


cucharro@aquiles:~/SL/debian/octave/pkg-octave/trunk/www$ ls
dog.css             icons/      index.html.in   Makefile
DOG-Guidelines.txt  index.html  index.html.in~
cucharro@aquiles:~/SL/debian/octave/pkg-octave/trunk/www$ ls icons/
bug.png  build.png  check.png  home.png  igloo.png  right.png  svn.png
cucharro@aquiles:~/SL/debian/octave/pkg-octave/trunk/www$ make
svn ci index.html.in DOG-Guidelines.txt icons/bug.png icons/build.png
icons/check.png icons/home.png icons/igloo.png icons/right.png
icons/svn.png dog.css Makefile
svn up
En la revisión 191.
Making tarball... done
Uploading tarball to web site... cucharro-guest@alioth.debian.org's
Installing remote tarball... cucharro-guest@alioth.debian.org's
tar: icons/bug.png: Cannot open: File exists
tar: icons/build.png: Cannot open: File exists
tar: icons/check.png: Cannot open: File exists
tar: icons/home.png: Cannot open: File exists
tar: icons/igloo.png: Cannot open: File exists
tar: icons/right.png: Cannot open: File exists
tar: icons/svn.png: Cannot open: File exists
tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
make: *** [install] Error 2

Rafa Rodríguez Galván <rafael.rodriguez@uca.es>

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