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[Pkg-octave-devel] Include MPITB in "Other interesting Octave stuff"?


Lasts weeks, I've been I've been working hard in
the II Meeting on Free Software of Cadiz University
(April, 6-8). You have a link here[1] (in spanish, sorry) .

The question is: one of the keys of the journeys is
free software and super-computing. Some weeks ago, searching
in internet, I found a link about Octave MPITB[2]:

"Octave Linux users in a cluster
with several PCs can use MPITB in
order to call MPI library routines
from within the Octave environment."

MPITB is free software and the autor works at the University of
Granada, not too far form Cádiz, so I invited him to the Meeting
of my university. Tomorrow, he will arrive to Cádiz and next day 
he'll talk about Octave and MPITB.

The question is: do you think MPITB is a candidate for it's inclusion
in the "Other interesting Octave stuff" at DOG web page? Also,
if it results interesting for us, I would not mind to maintain it,
in the future.



J. Rafael Rodriguez Galvan.
Cadiz University (UCA).                 OSLUCA (Free Software Office, UCA)
Department of Mathematics.                 [0] http://softwarelibre.uca.es

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