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Re: AM report for Ulises Vitulli

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En/na Patrick Schoenfeld ha escrit:
> 1. Identification & Account Data
> --------------------------------
>    First name:      Ulises
>    Last name:       Vitulli
>    Key fingerprint: 1526 7B0F 7B7A CF3C 0DEA  25FB 19C3 6912 AE1D FD74
>    Account:         dererk
>    Forward email:   uvitulli@fi.uba.ar
>    ID check passed, key signed by several existing developers:
>    Output from keycheck.sh:
>     Syncing Debian Keyrings with rsync from keyring.debian.org
>     Receiving and checking key
>     gpg: requesting key AE1DFD74 from hkp server keys.gnupg.net
>     pub   1024D/AE1DFD74 2008-02-08 [expires: 2010-03-18]
>           Key fingerprint = 1526 7B0F 7B7A CF3C 0DEA  25FB 19C3 6912 AE1D FD74
>     uid                  Ulises Vitulli <uvitulli@fi.uba.ar>
>     sig!         A209C305 2008-03-15  Rene Mayorga <rmayorga@debian.org>
>     sig!         894BB479 2008-03-19  Luciano Bello <luciano@debian.org>
>     sig!         8BB527AF 2008-08-14  Gunnar Wolf <gwolf@gwolf.org>
>     sig!         4743206C 2008-08-14  Joachim Breitner <mail@joachim-breitner.de>
>     sig!         58510B5A 2008-08-15  Christoph Berg <cb@df7cb.de>
>     sig!         C0143D2D 2008-08-15  Christian Perrier <bubulle@kheops.homeunix.org>
>     sig!         B345BDD3 2008-08-15  Neil McGovern <maulkin@halon.org.uk>
>     sig!         16BD77C6 2008-08-15  Gerfried Fuchs <rhonda@debian.at>
>     sig!         9B7C328D 2008-08-20  Luk Claes <luk@debian.org>
>     sig!         580808C4 2008-08-22  Miguel Gea Milvaques <xerakko@debian.org>
>     sig!         307D56ED 2008-08-24  Noèl Köthe <noel@debian.org>
>     sig!         B1DF9A57 2008-08-26  Giacomo Catenazzi <cate@debian.org>
>     sig!         B2CFCDD8 2008-08-27  Philipp Kern
>     sig!         9DDB992B 2008-09-07  Luca Capello <gismo@debian.org>
>     sig!         E8C43461 2008-11-02  Ana Beatriz Guerrero López <ana@ekaia.org>
>     sig!         F2CF01A8 2008-12-01  Bdale Garbee <bdale@gag.com>
>     sig!         90E5CA46 2009-03-22  Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw) <faw@debian.org>
>     sig!         46D9CE5A 2009-05-04  Raphael Geissert <atomo64@gmail.com>
>     sig!3        D8480F2E 2008-08-15  Jan Luebbe <jluebbe@lasnet.de>
>     sig!3        88C7C1F7 2008-08-15  Steve McIntyre <steve@einval.com>
>     sig!3        AE1DFD74 2009-01-10  Ulises Vitulli <uvitulli@fi.uba.ar>
>     sig!3        AE1DFD74 2009-03-02  Ulises Vitulli <uvitulli@fi.uba.ar>
>     sig!3        AE1DFD74 2009-03-18  Ulises Vitulli <uvitulli@fi.uba.ar>
>     sig!3        AE1DFD74 2008-02-08  Ulises Vitulli <uvitulli@fi.uba.ar>
>     sig!         A0FB5DA6 2008-08-15  Gustavo Noronha Silva <kov@debian.org>
>     sub   2048g/D19C2027 2008-02-08 [expires: 2010-03-18]
>     sig!         AE1DFD74 2009-03-18  Ulises Vitulli <uvitulli@fi.uba.ar>
>     Let's test if its a version 4 or greater key
>     Key is ok
>     Check for key expire stuff
>     Key has an expiration date of 2010-03-18.
>     Please check that its not in the past, AND that it is more than one
>     month in the future at the time you will sent your DAM report!
>     Thank you.
> 2. Background
> -------------
>    Applicant writes:
>    I've to make a little correcting inhere, I consider myself being already
>    part of the project :-)
>    I've been around free software stuff since 2000 aprox., and have found a
>    place where I really feel my work makes sense.
>    I've started using and administrating Debian since 2003, which is from
>    what I live with.
>    I've started maintaining a basic software for Debian a year ago or so,
>    and have loved doing so since then, BUT, I feel I'm been involved since
>    a couple of years before that, reporting bugs and stuff.
>    I currently maintain 10 different pieces of software (one about to be
>    uploaded and another waiting on NEW for since about 3 months as a whole
>    (re-uploaded it once because of a little detail)) [1][2][3]
>    I'm working on FingerForce Team, hand to hand with LucaCapello(gismo)
>    and Miguel Gea (xerakko) and a few more DDs, integrating biometrical
>    devices, currently very busy learning how DBUS works, planning to
>    integrate the next generation of fingerprint readers software[4].
>    That's something I want to accomplish in the closer future and survive  :-)
>    I study computer engineer at University of Buenos Aires, and develop
>    myself as Unix Administrator.
>    The main reason for what I aim to be DD is to take part of the decisions
>    on the project I love, and hoping it gets throw the right way.
>    I think its a privilege I'm trying to achieve with the humble work I
>    offer myself.
> 3. Philosophy and Procedures
> -----------------------------
>    Ulises has a good understanding of Debian's philosophy and procedures
>    and answered all my questions about the social contract,
>    DFSG, BTS, etc. in a good way. He committed to uphold the SC and DFSG
>    in his Debian work and accepts the DMUP.
> 4. Tasks and Skills
> -------------------
>    Ulises has a good understanding of the technical side of Debian.
>    He is maintainer of several packages. I checked some of them and
>    they are in good shape.
>    He also answered my other questions regarding T&S without problems.
> 5. Recommendation
> -----------------
>    I recommend to accept Ulises as a Debian Developer.

I recommend him too! He did a good work in fingerforce group and he
continues doing it (at this moment is the main maintainer).

He will be a good Debian Developer!!
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


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