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Re: Application of Rogério Brito for Debian Maintainership


* Rogério Brito <rbrito@ime.usp.br> [2008-09-11 19:33:44 CEST]:
> >  - have at least one (but preferably more) Debian Developers
> >    advocate you. This is usually a signed mail to debian-newmaint
> >    (often a reply to your declaration mail)
> Gerfried Fuchs (Rhonda) has agreed to advocate me.

 I hereby want to advocate Rogério for being accepted into DM status.

 I've been working as sponsor with him for quite a while, and it was
always a charm to discuss various aspects with him. I'd like to
especially mention his package hfsprogs because it shows quite some
things in to what extend he gets to with trying to fix stuff:

 hfsprogs is published by apple and they neither have a proper
repository which one can easily track for newer upstream versions nor do
they have a proper bug tracking system. Though, he managed extremely
well to find his way around there, and not even extracted newer sources
but tested them and checked properly inter-version differences wether
they make sense at all or not.

 He even wrote 64bit patches for them, trying to send them back to apple
- which wasn't easy at all, most of the times with no responses at all.
He also was quite careful with respect to different architectures and
asking for porters feedback, like in this mail to the m68k list:

 His various mails to the debian-powerpc list also shows quite clearly
his helpfulness and dedication to get things fixed. They were always
quite helpful indeed. He owns three different powerpc machines which
allows him to test a fair bit of a range. With his help it was possible
to get the powerpcLennyReleaseRecertification page into much better
shape because he did some of the rewardless work of digging up some
needed informations like upstream support for various things. He also is
on the track to get some install manual informations in shape, which is
also currently quite required for ppc, it seems.


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