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Application of Rogério Brito for Debian Maintainership

> To become a Debian Maintainer, you must:
>  - agree to the social contract and DFSG
>  - agree to the Debian Machine Usage Policies (dmup)
>  - publically state your agreement to the above two documents,
>    signing your declaration with your OpenPGP key. Most people will
>    post their declaration to the debian-newmaint mailing list

I, Rogério Theodoro de Brito, agree to the Debian Social Contract and to
the Debian Free Software Guidelines, as well as to the Debian Machine
Usage Policies.

>  - have your PGP key signed by at least one (but ideally more than
>    one) Debian Developers

André Lopes has signed my GnuPG key 0x7C2CAEB8:

rbrito@chagas:~$ gpg --check-sigs 7C2CAEB8 | grep -i "andre\|pub\|sub"
pub   1024D/7C2CAEB8 2007-07-05
sig!         9D1B82F6 2007-07-09  Andre Luis Lopes <andrelop@debian.org>
sig!         9D1B82F6 2007-07-09  Andre Luis Lopes <andrelop@debian.org>
sig!         9D1B82F6 2007-07-09  Andre Luis Lopes <andrelop@debian.org>
sub   2048g/AC99CE76 2007-07-05

>  - have at least one (but preferably more) Debian Developers
>    advocate you. This is usually a signed mail to debian-newmaint
>    (often a reply to your declaration mail)

Gerfried Fuchs (Rhonda) has agreed to advocate me.

Currently, I maintain hfsprogs, vbrfix and co-maintain, together with
Bdale Garbee, the vrms package.

>  - submit a bug report with a jetring changeset to the bug tracking
>    system, filed against the debian-maintainers package. Use only
>    URLs from debian.org for the agreement and advocates fields of
>    the jetring changeset

I'll be doing this once an advocacy reply to this post arrives.

>  - there will be a delay of four days after the bug report has been
>    submitted to wait in case of objections or any more advocacies
>    from Debian Developers

I understand that and agree with this procedure.

I look forward to becoming a Debian Maintainer.

Thanks, Rogério Brito.

Rogério Brito : rbrito@{mackenzie,ime.usp}.br : GPG key 1024D/7C2CAEB8
http://www.ime.usp.br/~rbrito : http://meusite.mackenzie.com.br/rbrito
Projects: algorithms.berlios.de : lame.sf.net : vrms.alioth.debian.org

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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