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AM report for Damyan Ivanov <divanov@creditreform.bg>

Report for new developer applicant Damyan Ivanov <divanov@creditreform.bg>

1. Identification
   Check with key id 0x9725F63B:

   Key signed by:
   Anton Zinoviev <zinoviev@debian.org>
   Ognyan Kulev <ogi@triangle.bg>

   (Partial) output from keycheck.sh 0x9725F63B:
uid                  Damyan Ivanov <divanov@creditreform.bg>
sig!         9BF42B07 2005-10-05  Anton Zinoviev <zinoviev@debian.org>
sig!         90D2295F 2005-11-26  Ognyan Kulev <ogi@triangle.bg>
sig!3        9725F63B 2004-09-14  Damyan Ivanov <dam@modsoftsys.com>
sig!3        9725F63B 2005-10-09  Damyan Ivanov <dam@modsoftsys.com>
sig!3        9725F63B 2006-05-26  Damyan Ivanov <dam@modsoftsys.com>

2. Applicant background
I am from Bulgaria (South-Eastern Europe). I am 32 and I use computers
since I was 15. My first Linux experience was in 1999 when installed
Debian's slink. The urgent reason to try GNU/Linux was that Microsoft
started a massive legalization campaign that forced the company I work
for to look for alternatives to expensive server licenses. Since then,
all servers in this company and more than half of workstations are
running Debian. I use Debian GNU/Linux at home too.

I want to volunteer my time, because I feel this is the natural thing
to do. I've learned so much from Debian that I'd like to be able to
give something back.

My contributions to Debian include maintenance of src:firebird2
packages (uploads sponsored by Francesco Lovergine (frankie)) and
occasional bug reports. My interests are in package maintenance. In
the immediate future I plan to continue maintaining firebird2 and get
FlameRobin (a GUI tool for managing Firebird datbases) in Debian.
Getting FlameRobin in Debian toke convincing two upstream authors to
change their license - you can find a couple of threads in
debian-legal about this. I plan to get more involved in pkg-perl too.

3. Philosophy and Procedures

Damyan has a good understanding of Debian's Philosophy and Procedures.
He answered correctly to my questions about the Social Contract, DFSG,
BTS, etc.

4. Tasks and Skills
Damyan maintains (or co-maintains) 4 packages, the Firebird database server,
a Firebird client and two small Perl modules.

Damyan answered promptly and correctly to the questions about Tasks and Skills
His packages are in a decent shape and he fixed some of the spotted problems
quite quickly.

I recommend to accept him as a Debian Developer.
 Account: dam (or dmn or dbi) if there is a problem with "dam" as account name
 Forward-Email: dam@modsoftsys.com

Isaac Clerencia at Warp Networks, http://www.warp.es
Work: <isaac@warp.es>   | Debian: <isaac@debian.org>

Attachment: pgphZEoJ3Shia.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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