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Re: NM status: separate DAM approval and account creation?

Joerg Jaspert <joerg@debian.org> writes:

> On 10246 March 1977, ivan-debian-newmaint@420.am wrote:
> BTW: Ivan Kohler, why dont you write your full name when you write such
> amusing mails? We need that for our fortune databases.
>>> > Joerg, in his current position, is completely redundant
>>> Oh thanks. So I should go?
>> If you're not going to MANAGE ACCOUNTS as you were appointed to do,
>> then, yes, please step down from the role of Debian ACCOUNTS MANAGER.
> So you clearly have not a single bit of knowledge how it works.
> Nice to know.

Can you blame him?  I've been an AM for 2 years, FD member for a couple
months, and even organized an NM BOF at Debconf4 in which James and tbm
attended, and I still barely have any idea what a DAM does.

I know from this mail:


that the DAM reads reports (and James prefers to read them on dead

I know from your Bits from the DAM post here:


that you have some special GPG signature requirements and that the
applicant needs to have some "traceable actions" in Debian (note that FD
currently will not even assign an AM if the applicant has no traceable

>From the NM BOF, I got the impression that James was a lot more
interested in an applicant's personality and trustworthiness than about
technical knowledge.  Also, I got the impression that an applicant had
to be a real bastard/troublemaker to get rejected, and that he's a lot
more lenient than I previously believed.

In terms of the DAM's involvement in NM, that's about the extent of my

To be honest, I always thought the DAM was synonymous with
account/LDAP/keyring admin, but apparently that's not the case.  A "DAM"
is a, ummm, FD member who can reject applicants.

Society is never going to make any progress until we all learn to
pretend to like each other.

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