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Re: Daniel Stone

Daniel Stone <daniel@kabuki.openfridge.net> writes:

> [I] ignored every single email I ever sent him.

Actually, I didn't ignore them, I read them but didn't accede to
Daniel's peremptory demands for a reply.

> I would like to contribute to Debian, but obviously I'm not going to
> pass DAM, so I withdrew

Don't claim you're withdrawing on ground that you weren't going to
pass DAM because I never said that.  If you've convinced yourself that
you weren't going to pass DAM, that's in your head and your problem.

> (the only thing I've heard from Troup in my life was, after I
> withdrew, when I asked him on IRC why he stalled me, he said "you've
> withdrawn, now let me work on other people's apps" - I wouldn't
> think ignoring emails would've been so hard, but hey).

Actually, what happened was:

| 23:10 <DanielS> elmo: hey, if I'm up to DAM stage and want to
|                 withdraw, do I notify you, frontdesk, my AM, or some
|                 whacked combination of the 3?
| 23:12 <elmo> daniels: any of those 3 will do
| 23:13 <DanielS> ElBarono: ok
| 23:13 <DanielS> s/barono/mo/
| [ ... ]
| 23:24 <DanielS> elmo: ok, sent a gpg-signed withdrawl notice. the
|                 email address is different because eyep.net
|                 collapsed.
| 23:24 <DanielS> elmo: why, btw, were you stalling me, as opposed to
|                 just rejecting me?
| 23:25  * DanielS looks at elmo.
| 23:27 <elmo> daniels: I wasn't
| 23:28 <DanielS> elmo: ok then, what were you doing with my
|                 application, apart from not answering the
|                 application plus four emails, two of which asked you
|                 to confirm getting them
| 23:29 <elmo> daniels: you've withdrawn your application so I have
|              zero interest in talking to you, when I could be
|              processing applicants who haven't withdrawn, mmkay?
| 23:30 <DanielS> elmo: so why didn't you answer any of my 4 emails, 2
|                 of which (politely) asked you to confirm?
| 23:31 <MythFOAD> DanielS: he gets too much mail, and has a job and a life

James - suddenly remembering with alarming clarity why he gave up on

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