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Re: [daniel@kabuki.openfridge.net: Re: Daniel Stone]

> ----- Forwarded message from Daniel Stone <daniel@kabuki.openfridge.net> -----
> Basically, I said some stuff ... how to put it?
> I don't dispute what I said in those emails with Ben Collins; the basic
> gist was right,
> if you just cut through the random ranting abuse. While I still think
> what I said is entirely
> correct, I 'spose that was a lesson in the fact that a) email like that
> is memorable, and b)
> http://lists.debian.org - archives. If it was the me, now, writing those
> emails, then, I would
> be a lot more diplomatic. I still think what I said is more or less
> true; I just try and not say
> stuff like that to -devel much these days.

Daniel, the list discussion with you was long gone. I'll tell you what I
remember about our initial encounter on IRC in #debian-devel. The first
day you were there, I did not completely know who you were. I recall
seeing you say "BenC: hi" and I responded pollitely with "DanielS:
hello". Nothing else said.

Then a day later (or perhaps the same day just later that night), one of
the folks on #debian-devel sent me an IRC log from #debian-devel where
you started out calling me a "fuckwit" (to which I did not respond
because I was not around). My fellow developers obviously defended me
and attacked you for your immaturity. BTW, I have ths log if anyone
cares to see Daniel in his online form.

A day later, I saw you discussing when DPL voting was over and also
about your problem of running a perl script as root. I made a slightly
smart ass comment (quote "hindsight is always 20/20") where you
immediately called me a "fuckwit" and we started a heated discussion
about how my views were stopping you from becoming a maintainer, even
though I have zero control over the nm process. You also added anyone
else that challanged you and your attitude, to the your "fuckwit" list.

I'm sorry, but that kind of language and disrespect has no place in
Debian. Opinions are fine, even wild opinions. But your disrespect is
innexcusable. I don't care how Daniel acts in real life. Chances are for
most of us, we will never meet 99% of our fellow developers, so how we
act in this collaborative way via the mediums we do have (IRC, email,
mailing lists) is more important. I could care less that he were the
biggest jerk in real life, it's Debian life that matters for the

/  Ben Collins  --  ...on that fantastic voyage...  --  Debian GNU/Linux   \
`  bcollins@debian.org  --  bcollins@openldap.org  --  bcollins@linux.com  '

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