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Re: How to migrate to testing

Jakub Wilk <jwilk@debian.org> writes:
> * Olе Streicher <debian-devel@liska.ath.cx>, 2012-01-24, 13:04:
>>>>>>> The problem is now that the new version depends on some packages that
>>>>>>> are still not available everywhere (libatlas-base-dev),
>>>>>Like where? (Presumably you meant s/depend/build-depends/.)
>>>> You are right here. However, the binary would depend from
>>>> libatlas3gf-base, which is also not available on these platforms.
>>>"These" meaning what?
>>armhf and s390x.
> Oh, you don't need to worry much about these. They are not release
> architectures and they don't affect testing migrations.

The main problem is that on the mips and mipsel architectures the
packages compile but their unit tests fail - timeout on mips, and
segfault on mipsel. The previous packaged version still didn't come with
unit tests. I informed the upstream author, but they probably more
concentrate on common platforms.

I think, for practical reasons, one would not use sextractor on a MIPS
machine yet, because it needs some processing power, so removing these
architectures until a fix is available would be a better alternative
thant using of a 6-year-old, buggy version (which never passed this kind
of unit-test).

How should I proceed here?



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