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Re: Dash and dot in package version

In <[🔎] 7337540c0905181406k63858584r28dbd4883869c506@mail.gmail.com>, Ludovico 
Cavedon wrote:
>On Sun, May 17, 2009 at 8:18 PM, Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.
><bss@iguanasuicide.net> wrote:
>> Just, IMO:
>> I prefer 2.2~rc3+hg365~dfsg1 so that 2.2~rc3+hg365 would be greater than
>> it. In this way, it would allow distribution of the same upstream
>> without repacking for Debian by a non-Debian (or simply unofficial)
>> group.
>I think yours is a good point.
>However, as observed Magnus:
>> However, that won't work if you have already uploaded e.g. version 1.2-3
>> of a package, and then somebody files a bug that the tarball contains
>> some non-free file, and you'd like to upload 1.2~dfsg-1 to fix it
>> without waiting for a new upstream release.

In that case +dfsg would be fine (.dfsg is problematic is upstream decides 
to release a 1.2.1), but you could change it to ~dfsg for the next upstream 

While there are always exceptions, I use the following guidelines:
Reserve '.' and digits to upstream.  Use + as a decoration when it a a 
debian "addition" (e.g. pull from more recent VCS revision).  Use ~ as a 
decoration when it is a debian "removal" (e.g. DFSG cleaning).  '~alphaN', 
'~betaN' and '~rcN' conveniently sort the way they should, so you can use 
$next_upstream_version followed by them or just treat them like VCS 

Still, what version you use should be guided by functionality (how does it 
sort) rather than pretty stuff.
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.           	 ,= ,-_-. =.
bss@iguanasuicide.net            	((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy 	 `-'(. .)`-'
http://iguanasuicide.net/        	     \_/

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