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Re: RFS: FSlint - File System lint

Yaroslav Halchenko <debian@onerussian.com> wrote:

> So I don't see anything which requires debian/ directory to be absent
> from the orig.tar.gz

You are right, there is no such "law".  But still it's a bad idea.

> especially if a package maintainer is the upstream.

This isn't an argument for inclusion of the debian directory (will you
release a new upstream version just because you need to change a
build-depends and trigger a rebuild on the Debian buildds?).

> And also I don't see any strict requirement
> (although I understand that it is desired) to don't use native
> versioning schema for not-only-for-debian packages.

I don't see this written out specifically, either, but I think this is
implied.  For example, 3.2.1 talks about native packages:

| Native Debian packages (i.e., packages which have been written
| especially for Debian) whose version numbers include dates should
| always use the "YYYYMMDD" format.

> I think that policy/dev-ref is not clear on that at the moment, that is
> why relevant questions come up from time to time.

Yes, but the answers given are always the same:  Try to avoid a debian/
directory in the upstream sources.  It's in the archives.  

Regards, Frank
Frank Küster
Single Molecule Spectroscopy, Protein Folding @ Inst. f. Biochemie, Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer (teTeX)

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